Why I Cannot Live Without my Dual Monitors..


First, let me explain what a dual monitor is for the people who do not know. It's pretty simple, you have another monitor next to your main monitor hooked up to your computer. If anyone has ever used a dual monitor system they most likely can never go back to just one monitor. You get so used to the simplicity of using both monitors. If you are using your computer for graphic design, a dual monitor will change you life. 

Here's why:

Why dual monitors are better than just one:

1. If you need to find a file in a folder while you are using Adobe, you can just pull the folder into the dual monitor and pick the image from it rather than having to open and close folders while you work. 

2. If you are reading something and trying to copy verbiage to your artwork. Same idea - you are constantly opening and closing the programs so you can read it and type it back again. With dual monitors, this is not a problem! Just put the word document on the other monitor and copy simply and easily. 

3. If you are using the internet and you need to save images or read information, again, you don't have to flip back and forth. You can use the internet browser on one monitor and have your programs running on the other one. No complications.

4. You can put a background on your desktop that will span across both monitors. (It think that's pretty cool...)

5. You can brag to all of your friends of how awesome your desktop setup is! 

I have a dual monitor system and I recommend it to anyone that 
uses multiple programs at once while using their computer. 

You can even put more than two monitors on your computer. Some people have more than 10! But I think that's a bit overkill, by hey, whatever floats your boat! Check out this guy or gal...

Peace Out!

-Holly N.
