Reasons to Update Your Facebook Cover Page Often.

Here's Why:

When you start a small business you need to do the most advertising you can. Social media is an amazing opportunity to advertise to all of your followers. 

Your Facebook cover page is a great opportunity to catch your viewers eyes when they first click on your page. Sometimes users will only view your page for a few seconds. Rare are the users that reads every post and engages. So between the 6 seconds it takes for a user to view your page, you can possibly engage them with your cover page. It is right on top and it is the first thing the user sees. 

Make sure you cover page is to the point. Not too many words, or your user will not read it and they wont get the message your trying to portray. 

How often is too often?

Generally, posting a new cover photo whenever you have a new promotion or holiday is key. 

Have a general cover photo - one promoting just your business, with your business name on it. And also, have promotional photos. Every time you offer a promotion, change your cover photo to engage users in the promotion. When the promotion had died down a bit, change your cover photo back to the original business photo. 
This will catch the user's attention, and allow them to know when there is and isn't a promotion going on. This will know you are actively engaging with your followers. 

If you do not want to offer promotions on your cover page, some experts say changing the cover photo four times a year, one for every season, is the best way to go. 

Here are 3 reasons why updating the cover often is so important: 

1) When you update your cover page, it posts in your feed, so even if users do not visit your page, they will get a chance to see it in their feed. 

2) You get an opportunity to catch users attention with your cover page - it can be for advertising a new product, or an event coming up or anything you want your followers to know about what is currently happening with your business. 

3) Advertise not only on your business page, but on your personal page as well. Post your cover photo on your personal page to get more views attention. Also, share links from your business page to your personal page so all of your closest friends can see what your company is up to at all times.

A last note:

Every time you post on facebook, make sure you include an image. 
Posts that include photos generate 53% more interest than posts without a photo, only words. 

Being active on social media, and updating your website regularly is the key to online marketing. You have to be engaged with users or they will move on to the next business. If you went to a website in December and there was a big promotion about Valentine's Day, you would question everything about the website. You would question if the content is updated also. Then, you visit their Facebook page, and the last post was from 3 years ago. You want to ask them a question, but you don't know where to post it, or if it will ever be seen by the business owners. Most likely, you would move on to the next company that has been active in their web presence. 

Peace Out!


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