Some Inspiration for You

Hey j

Adobe Illustrator Tips 
"What projects can I do to practice designing?"

Hello fellow designers!

 I am going to give you a few ideas on what kinds of projects
 to create when you want to practice designing. So lets just get right to it! 

  1. Revamp "outdated" logos - or any logo you are interested in!

So, a few years back, during my 'practicing all the time' phase, I designed a lot of artwork just trying to hone my skill and have more ease while using Adobe Illustrator. (and thank God I did that then, because I feel pretty confident in my ability now.) I want to give you some inspiration by showing you some of my pretty old designs. These designs I created in 2010, when I was just learning. 

This one, is of the ABC Liquor logo. (Yes, back in 2010 I was 21 years old, so alcohol was on my mind quite a bit - not so much anymore) Anyway, this design isn't the best, but it did recreate their original logo.  I think it has a bit of a classier touch using the silver and the gold colors together on the sign. The close up of the A, gives you a better look at what the letters look like zoomed in.

On to the next inspiration logo!

Below, is a well know logo indeed! NASA! I love space, and have grown to love it even more over the years, and this logo revamp was a necessity. I have put an image of the original logo that they use currently to give you an idea of the difference. 



I'm not speaking for anyone but me, but I think my logo pops a bit more than the original. 
Just my opinion. I've heard that NASA has secrets in their logo that you wouldn't know unless you dug deep to find out. (Which now-a-days a simple Google search will bring you right to it.)  My logo doesn't have any secret meaning in it at all - so maybe that's why they haven't used it yet (haha) You can research NASA and many other logo meanings. There are some creative designers out there who can incorporate hidden secrets in world wide known logos and marketing material 
- without you even noticing it. 

Moving on to the SECOND idea for beginner designers
 to do to practice designing using Adobe Illustrator.

2. Try creating some of your favorite cartoon characters!

I love South Park. Even though they can be a bit raunchy and vulgar, most of their plot lines have to do with current events and they say what everyone is thinking - I love it. Anyway, so again, these are designs I did quite a while ago, I just want to give you ideas and inspiration to make your own characters, or make the South Park four better than I can! 

These are the four South Park main characters. Of course you know, but if you don't, from left to right; Cartman, Stan, Kyle & Kenny.  They were fun to make, but seemingly simple designs like this can still be tricky if you haven't mastered Adobe Illustrator's tools and shortcuts. But nonetheless, you can create your favorite character by practice. Remember: the more you work at it, the better you get!

Moving on to the THIRD an final idea for beginner designers
  to practice designing using Adobe Illustrator.

3. Trace photographs to create a vector image!

This is the best way to learn how to use the pen tool! Also, getting familiar with shape building is a necessity - because Adobe Illustrator is nothing but shapes! Figuring out your Illustrator program is fun! To this day, I still learn new things every time I create art. It's a constant building on knowledge that will never end. So don't feel down on yourself if you are a beginner, just keep practicing. You will pick it up faster than you think.  Tracing images is a great way to learn the pen tool, and try making complex shapes by shape building. 

Below, is an example of what it looks like to trace using my common method. 

Trace the basic shapes first, and try to get as detailed at you can!
 Every click makes a difference in your ability to use it! 

You can do the best tracing when your bottom photograph is set at 50% opacity. Set the image for 50% opacity, then lock that layer. Open a new layer, and now you can doodle all you want without moving or disturbing the bottom photograph layer. Having it at 50% opacity is the best, because you can see what your doing a lot better and you can also see the photograph enough that it doesn't bother you. 

Below is what your layer panel should look like. 

Advanced Tip: There is a way to use layer templates and set the entire layer to 50% opacity, rather than the object. After you have your photograph in layer 1, double click on the layer and check the box called 'Template'. Then, dim images to 50%. The image below is what the panel looks like. Make sure everything that is checked below in the image, is checked in your layer options panel. The color is your preference, as it just signifies the layer and nothing else. 

Hope you enjoyed my tips!

Adobe Illustrator Tips - "What projects can I do to practice designing?"

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